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Bosch 2014 Dealer Training UK

e-bikeshop visit Bosch for training session on the new 2014 eBike system

By Martin Brown |

E-bikeshop is one of the largest Independent eBike dealers in the UK. We are keen to be able to give our customers the best after sales and customer care, so when Bosch contacted us to see if we would like a further training session on the new 2014 Bosch eBike system, we jumped at the chance! The day started off with an introduction to Bosch and their background, how Bosch eBike Systems have grown since 2012 and where they are now. I have to say in my mind Bosch are way ahead of the game now in the Crank Drive Electric Bike market. They have not only created a very good reliable eBike system, but Bosch are offering their full support to us (the UK dealer). This makes a real difference as it breaks down the barrier between dealer, manufacturer and supplier. It allows us to really understand the product and therefore give our customers the very best knowledge and support in-store for after sales care. This is of course one of our most important factors in any of our sales here at e-bikeshop.

Inside the Bosch 2014 Drive Unit Motor Internals Any Bosch eBike enthusiasts heaven! The inside of every component. I take my hat off the Bosch guy’s that came over from Germany to show support here, the venue was very good, the presentation was well structured, Bosch presenters were very knowledgeable, and most importantly of all the food was fantastic with a steady flow of hot and cold drinks, lunch and coffee breaks in between.We went on to talk about how the Bosch eBike system has adapted over the last couple of years, how feedback has been taken on board and every aspect of the system has been improved as it adopts new user friendly features and functions. Bosch was not shy to talk about their competition in the presentation and did not seem phased by other manufacturers. They explained that they are a predominantly an automotive manufacturer, they have been able to move some of their knowledge from this market and use the components in the eBike design. Interestingly they didn't set out to dominate the market, but it naturally evolved very fast, they now provide to over 60 brands and manufacturers making Bosch one of the biggest eBike motor system suppliers in the world. Bosch were very clear that this growth had taken them by surprise and they quickly had to adopt a much larger support service, they quickly opted use already established bike distributors across Europe to give dealers quick access to parts and spares, alongside their own warranty and technical service.

Bosch-Performance-eBike-SystemBosch was very excited to present their new eBike system innovation for 2014. They outlined the many improvements that have been made for 2014. The introduction of the new Active and Performance line to run alongside their already established Classic+ line. Bosch were clear that the Classic+ line already used on thousands of electric bikes was not to be phased out by the new system but to run alongside it for the years ahead. The reason they introduced the new Active and Performance 2014 lines was to meet different eBiker's demand on the market. Both motors are the same drive units although they are tuned slightly different for rider’s needs. Both give more ground clearance and share the same new design.

Bosch 2014 Dealer Training Motor Pulley The difference between the normal Drive Pulley and the pedal back brake version. The differences lie in the programming, the Active line is described as 'Harmonious and Smooth', it gives a maximum 48Nm of torque, it offers a back pedal function (on particular bikes, mainly in Germany, not something we use much if at all over here in the UK). The Performance line is described as 'Dynamic and powerful', it gives a maximum of 60Nm torque and is tuned slightly more aggressive. Each system will feature on different bikes, for example the Active Line may feature on some more subtle touring and town bikes, whereas the Performance line will feature on more sporty MTB's and Road electric bikes.All of this info is just a brief overview of the changes for 2014, if you would like to ready how the Bosch eBike system works and performs I suggest you read a couple of my other blog articles.

Inside the Bosch 2014 eBike Motor A view inside the new Bosch 2014 Drive Unit Motor Assembly. The new Bosch drive unit is designed with lots of improvements. Its optimized control technology employs 3 sensors to make 1000 measurements a second of the rider’s requirements. It’s actually got a more powerful 32-bit processor to handle all of these senses. It also incorporates gear shift detection where it will smooth gear changes by dropping the torque for just a second when you change gear. This will smooth out gear changes and also lower drivetrain wear. The new Bosch motor system also offers less vibration, its lighter, more compact and has a reduced crank width.The new smaller chain wheel innovation works by using and internal gearing ratio which turns the sprocket approximately 2.5 turns to every crank revolution. The chain wheel is significantly smaller, this is designed to lower torque per chain wheel cogs and thus lessen the wear on the drivetrain. It also is almost impossible for the chain to come off of rougher terrain. The Bosch Drive unit will come with 15, 18 or 20 teeth depending on the type of eBike.The new Bosch Intuvia on board computer has had improvements to the odometer, where the user can further fine adjust the wheel size so it matches up perfectly to your miles / speed when using other devices. The Intuvia has a new colour scheme, Platinum for the Active line and Anthracite for the Performance line; this matches all of the other components to quickly define the different Bosch systems. The walk function has also had some improvements to the speed it produces; it should now fit the rider a lot better.

Inside the Bosch PowerPack 300 & 400Wh A view inside the Bosch battery itself, this is a textbook image, it would be too dangerous to transport an opened Lithium Cell in house. The Bosch PowerPack 300Wh & 400Wh batteries have also had some improvements to the on board BMS (Battery Management System) to make them more user friendly, you can now charge the battery on the eBike, which makes for much easier operation and has been requested for quite some time. Both 400 & 300Wh batteries are slightly smaller & lighter. They have a more compact design and are more appealing to the eye. Along with the battery the charger has had some minor improvements, including rubber feet so it doesn't slide off the bench (happens almost every day here). It’s slightly smaller and has no venting holes due to it being a more efficient and producing less heat. Charge times remain the same. The charger has a new plug which has a thumb print on top, so it should be easier to plug in without looking each time to see what way up the plug goes before plugging it in. We also covered all of the legal aspects involving electric bikes, proper maintenance and care of both the Batter and the Bosch eBike system, transportation of goods, installation of components & common faults and how to diagnose / resolve them.

We here at e-bikeshop have most of this knowledge already. We have been working on Bosch powered eBike for a while now so have all the relevant tools, knowledge and diagnostics machines to perform these tasks. Our workshop mechanics are very competent in the use of these in setting up new eBikes as well as diagnosing faults on older ones. However, visiting Bosch was a good chance to brush up on these skills and also a good chance to see some more of the motor internals. Definitely a day well spent! 

To view or full range of Bosch eBike please click here >>

Martin Brown at E-Bikeshop.co.uk
About Martin Brown

Martin has been in the electric bike industry for over 15 years & has helped it grow from the start. Promoting eBikes across the UK at events & offering the very best advice, tech articles, blogs & videos. In particular Martin is a major player for progressing the use of eMTB's, today owner of e-bikeshop.co.uk - The UK's largest eBike supplier specialising in Bosch, Yamaha and Shimano, good quality European eBikes.
