"When are 2022 eBikes coming out?" and other 2022 eBike questions...
By Ben Mowbray |
There's no denying it. The bike industry is crippled by both demand and the lack of capacity to fulfil it and with 2021 bikes now almost sold out globally the big questions on everyone's lips is - "When will the 2022 eBikes be released"?
Information given here is supplementary to the previous post about 2021 eBike delays.
TLDR; No one knows everything, but we know some things.
When are 2022 eBikes being released?
The short answer is - no one knows. Ok, so maybe some people know. Maybe we know things we're sworn to secrecy on right now, but - even the manufacturers are throwing out ambiguous dates towards the 4th quarter and based on what they can and can't get and even then, they're subject to change with little to no notice at all as they have for the last 18 months.
What changes will be made on 2022 eBikes?
Its likely we'll see little to no development over 2020/2021 bikes from many manufacturers.
Having had no notice of a global health pandemic and the issues it would create for the cycle industry with demand vs production/shipping of components, its highly probable that the majority of manufacturers wont have had much time to really innovate this year and so we should expect to see lots of last years bikes popping up wearing new colour schemes and tweaked spec lists based on what's available. That said, we do know that some brand new models are due to launch and exciting technology will be revealed for the first time.
Will 2022 eBikes be more expensive?
Yes. 2022 eBike prices have and will increase in comparison to 2020/2021 model year prices. Not only has the cost of many raw materials increased during the pandemic (rubber went up 50%!), many component manufacturers are based in the Far East where lockdowns are still happening (Shimano has been shut for most of June, again) and production has been far lower than anticipated/required by the global cycle industry. When the level of component scarcity increases, so too does price. Just look at the price/availability of Shimano 12 speed components right now!
Shipping is also having a big knock-on effect. Container prices from the Far East to Europe have risen to astronomical levels. A container with hundreds of thousands of sets of brake pads might only add a few pence to each product but if its only got 200 frames in it, you could be looking at a £50-100 increase per bike and before they even start assembly.
Can I pre-order 2022 eBikes now?
Not with us. Its too big of a risk at the moment. We've already placed almost all of our 2022 ebike orders and so for the most part, we know how many of each model we have coming, but thats quite literally it. Universally, the manufacturers are not providing final specifications, pricing and in the case of 2022 Cube ebikes, we've not even seen so much as an artists render.
On this basis, taking pre-orders right now would only create a whole new list of problems, admin and potential upset for customers while we remain committed to fulfilling the remaining 2021 orders which we are still taking delivery of from almost all manufacturers, many of which have been delayed by up to 9 months.
Will 2022 ebikes be delayed as badly as the 2021 models?
Almost certainly, 2022 bikes will suffer delays of varying lengths at some point in the model year. R&D aside, there is so much that goes into the production and assembly of ebikes that its impossible to think that the problems we currently face as an industry and market will simply vanish from this model year to the next. Its more likely that unless people suddenly stop buying eBikes, we'll be operating like this for at least the next 2-3 years.
One manufacturer "builds" the bike, but there can be as many a several dozen other businesses all supplying often tiny, unseen parts of your bike who are all suffering their own industry issues as a result of Covid-19. Imagine if all of them had just a ONE week delay on something. The result is exactly what we've been dealing with - months of delays on new bikes arriving.
When can I pre-order my 2022 eBike and when will it be delivered?
As always, we'll being taking pre-orders through the website once we have all of the information we need to build a product page. This includes all of the finalised images of the bikes, the specifications and of course the price. We tend to do this brand by brand as they launch so be assured we'll be rolling them out at the same time as the manufacturer in most cases.
Deliveries on pre-orders are carried out on a "first come, first served" basis. With demand not expected to fall this year, the only way you will be able to guarantee yourself a 2022 eBike will be to get in the queue as fast as you can, and be patient. We always offer an ETA based on the information given to us by the manufacturer but these can change and its worth bearing this in mind. If you absolutely must have a bike for your upcoming cycling holiday in August and you're ordering a bike with an ETA of August, prepare for the worst. You might get lucky, but you would be better off looking for a bike which matches your criteria and is already in stock than gearing yourself up for potential disappointment.
How will I know when new 2022 eBikes are launched?
With no firm information from manufacturers at this stage and dozens of enquiries each day from potential customers who missed out on their dream bike from the 2022 model year, we've set up a page for people to leave their details.
Click the button below and when our manufacturers launch their 2022 models, we'll pop you an email to let you know!
Keep me updated!